The International Thespian Society is the only organization to honor secondary school students for outstanding work in theatre. There are at present active ITS troupes in more than 3,900 high schools and middle schools, mostly in the United States and Canada. The Society recently inducted its two millionth Thespian since its founding in 1929. Trinitas Arts Conservatory participates in the International Thespian Society through its Troupe #4566.
Membership gives students incentives to participate in theatre activities and can be an important factor in gaining admission to a quality drama program at the university level. For those who are not planning a career in theatre, the Society's offerings can increase enjoyment of the art now and later, when the student becomes the adult theatre audience. Thespian membership is granted for the performance or meritorious work in theatre arts, which meets the Society's general guidelines. Specifically, students become members by earning points for their work. Thespians who achieve enough points receive graduation honors at their school, and are eligible for varsity jackets from Trinitas Arts Conservatory. You can find out more about the International Thespian Society at
Thespian Point System Guide
Thespian Application - DUE March 19 for Spring Induction
Thespian Board Officer Application - DUE MARCH 5
Thespian Constitution